Meanwhile, Morgan admitted she’s still adjusting to being a mom of two. “It has been, honestly, unbelievable,” she said, gushing over Row and Grey. “I just still cannot believe I wake up and there’s two human beings, one that looks like me and one that does not look like me at all.”
While on Daily Pop, she also explained the meaning behind her son’s name. “With Row, I knew her name right away. With Grey, it really was a long time,” Morgan said. “I brought it up to Jordan in the beginning, and he was like, ‘I don’t like that name.’ And then we came around to it more and more, and Oliver is my older brother’s name. So, Grey Oliver McGraw.”
Hear more from Morgan in the above clip and on E! News’ Nightly Pop, airing Monday through Thursday at 11:30 p.m.