A group of University of California at Berkeley (UCB) students are entering the second full week of occupying the school’s…
Browsing: Books
Following his death in 2014, rumors swirled among readers and scholars that several never-before-seen works by Colombian author Gabriel García…
I grew up on Star Wars, so you can imagine that science fiction, space fantasy, and science fiction romance have…
In 1894, a group of women banded together to honor their history and legacy. These women, all white, established themselves…
ThriftBooks, where teachers get FREE BOOKS!Buy 4 used books, get a 5th one free with ThriftBooks teacher-only promo code! Teachers,…
The 2023 Women’s Prize shortlist as been announced. The six books were judged by broadcaster and writer Louise Minchin, journalist…
Barnes & Noble is taking 25% off certain pre-order books, ebooks, and audiobooks with the code PREORDER25. The list of…
Independent Bookstore Day is this Saturday Apr 29, 2023 and bookstores around the country are gearing up for the celebration.…
The American Library Association has released their list of the top 13 most challenged books in 2022. This is usually…
Parenting can be a deeply fulfilling and exciting experience, but it can also be stressful or even scary — especially…
With human activities directly and indirectly leading to the decimation of the diversity of animals on the planet, scientific study…
Remember that survey of literary agents put together a month ago to see what the reality is in publishing right…
The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyers will be adapted for television by Lionsgate Television. The new Twilight show comes years…
The Boston Public Library is the latest in a string of public libraries in metropolitan areas to plan for co-location.…