
Apple Vision Pro Will Have Custom Disney+ Content, Including Marvel’s

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During WWDC23, Apple and Disney announced that the Apple Vision Pro augmented reality headset will have custom Disney+ content on day one.

What will the Apple Vision Pro Disney+ custom content be?

The headset’s Disney+ content appears to be a mix of VR and AR. The video shows Mickey Mouse and a variety of Walt Disney World parade floats entering the headset user’s surroundings as well as the user seemingly being transported to a different planet while watching Star Wars content.

The Disney section of the presentation also seems to promise the ability to watch series like The Mandalorian on Disney+ while receiving additional bonus content. The video shows what appears to be additional information about aspects of the series like planets and ships popping up in a heads-up display. Another segment featured Jeffrey Wright’s The Watcher from Marvel’s What If…? series giving the headset user a wristband that showed them different parts of the show’s multiverse.

You can watch a video of the Disney portion of the Apple Vision Pro presentation below:

Through a dial on the headset itself, the augmented reality headset will be able to switch to virtual reality seamlessly. The Apple Vision Pro is set to launch in the United States early next year and will cost $3499.

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